In this course, we will use our bodies as a starting point for creative practice. We start off
with the assumption that at some point in our lives, we have been exiled from our bodies
— accidentally or by force. To bridge that assumed estrangement, we will begin to probe
our relationships to our physical bodies through employing both visual and writing tools.
Participants will write and make art about, with, and perhaps on, their bodies.
This course promotes an interdisciplinary approach to creative inquiry and practice in the
attempt to explore the notion of exile from one’s own body. Assigned theoretical texts
are designed to inform the production of creative work, whereby discussion and
feedback are a crucial part of the journey. We will also be examining artwork and writing
by local and international artists. We will be translating ideas back and forth between
visual expression and written language, and we will experiment with a range of practices
including embodied writing, image-making and performance.
Tentative course flow:
1. Introduction to embodied writing/image-making.
2. The body and public space.
3. Studio writing/image-making.
4. The body and failure.
5. Studio writing/image-making.
6. The body’s relationship to the mind.
7. Studio writing/image-making.
8. The body in exile.
9. Studio writing/image-making.
10. Bodies and objects.
Bell Hooks, Judith Butler, Sara Ahmed, Kathy Acker, Nawal Al Saadawi, Silvia Federici,
Susan Sontag, and others.
Amal Kenawy, Sadik Alfraji, Guy-Mannes Abbott, Marlene Dumas, Shirin Neshat, Hayv
Kahraman, Mona Hatoum, Forensic Architecture Collective, Carrie Mae Weems, Ghada
Amer, Ellen Gallagher, Joumana Haddad, Ocean Vuong, Kaveh Akbar, Waguih Ghali.
Why apply
-- To explore local and international art and literature that employ the body as a theme.
-- To use theory as a springboard from which to explore ideas, through writing and
-- To explore your physical and non-physical body and mind relationship.
-- To produce work in various mediums, including text, drawing, and photography.
-- To create, share and receive feedback about creative work in a collective setting.
watch video here
with the assumption that at some point in our lives, we have been exiled from our bodies
— accidentally or by force. To bridge that assumed estrangement, we will begin to probe
our relationships to our physical bodies through employing both visual and writing tools.
Participants will write and make art about, with, and perhaps on, their bodies.
This course promotes an interdisciplinary approach to creative inquiry and practice in the
attempt to explore the notion of exile from one’s own body. Assigned theoretical texts
are designed to inform the production of creative work, whereby discussion and
feedback are a crucial part of the journey. We will also be examining artwork and writing
by local and international artists. We will be translating ideas back and forth between
visual expression and written language, and we will experiment with a range of practices
including embodied writing, image-making and performance.
Tentative course flow:
1. Introduction to embodied writing/image-making.
2. The body and public space.
3. Studio writing/image-making.
4. The body and failure.
5. Studio writing/image-making.
6. The body’s relationship to the mind.
7. Studio writing/image-making.
8. The body in exile.
9. Studio writing/image-making.
10. Bodies and objects.
Bell Hooks, Judith Butler, Sara Ahmed, Kathy Acker, Nawal Al Saadawi, Silvia Federici,
Susan Sontag, and others.
Amal Kenawy, Sadik Alfraji, Guy-Mannes Abbott, Marlene Dumas, Shirin Neshat, Hayv
Kahraman, Mona Hatoum, Forensic Architecture Collective, Carrie Mae Weems, Ghada
Amer, Ellen Gallagher, Joumana Haddad, Ocean Vuong, Kaveh Akbar, Waguih Ghali.
Why apply
-- To explore local and international art and literature that employ the body as a theme.
-- To use theory as a springboard from which to explore ideas, through writing and
-- To explore your physical and non-physical body and mind relationship.
-- To produce work in various mediums, including text, drawing, and photography.
-- To create, share and receive feedback about creative work in a collective setting.
watch video here
إيفون بوخهايم فنانة ومعلمة فنون تعمل في عدد من الوسائط المتقاطعة لإنتاج أعمال لها علاقة بالسياقات العامة والاجتماعيّة. درّست إيفون في جامعة غرب إنجلترا لعشرة أعوام قبل انتقالها إلى القاهرة العام 2012 حيث استكملت مشروعاتها الفنية والتعليمية، تعنى إيفون باستكشاف الفن القابع في اليوميّات وإشراك الجمهور بطرق غير متوقّعة، من المشاركة المتعمّدة إلى الملاحظات العرضيّة. كما درست الفنون الجميلة في الجامعة اﻷمريكية بالقاهرة ودرست حقل الفنون والثقافة في معهد القاهرة للعلوم واﻵداب الحرة لعام 2015 - 2016. وأخيرًا ساهمت في تنسيق جلسات الربيع في عام 2017، وهو برنامج تعليمي وإقامة فنانين في عمان باﻷردن.
سارة الكامل صحفية حرة وكاتبة مقيمة بالقاهرة. بعد أن حصلت على درجة الماجستير في اﻵداب في الصحافة واﻹعلام في مدرسة الجامعة اﻷمريكية بالقاهرة للعلاقات الدولية والسياسات العامة في 2013، انتقلت لنيويورك للتقدم للحصول على ماجستير آداب في الصحافة في مدرسة جامعة كولومبيا للصحافة في 2015. عملت كمحررة ضمن فريق هافينغتون بوست إنترناشونال أثناء إقامتها بنيويورك. قبل ذلك، عملت كمراسلة في القاهرة للصحف المحلية والعالمية، تحديدًا في مجال الفن والثقافة. ظلت سارة باﻹضافة إلى عملها الصحفي تلاحق شغفها في الشعر والكتابة اﻹبداعية، واشتركت في ورش كتابة نثرية وشعرية متعددة في القاهرة ونيويورك. نشرت كتاباتها في اﻷهرام أون ﻻين، والجارديان، وهافينغتون بوست، جلوبال بوست وغيرها.