The moment that we are born, we are classified as humans, yet we rarely find a simple answer to the never asked questions: What is to be a human? Are there any traits that distinguish us among all other creatures? Are they innate or learnt?
"On Becoming a Human: On Becoming a Humanistic Educator" is a course that addresses the above mentioned questions. The course follows inquiry based approach in order to avoid providing participants with ready- tailored answers. Each participant is responsible to start a journey of unlearning, relearning and knowing who s/he is. In order to reach that, participants will be asked dig deeply for their own definition of truth via asking as many questions as they can. The course is an eye- opening to consciousness of why we nowadays suffer, feel isolated, or not happy nor achieved enough. It is like looking in the mirror and finding all the black holes in your sphere that might hinder you from being who you truly are.
While each participant will be responsible for his/ her inner journey, Krishanmaurti Readings and reflections on being human and significance of life will be shared and discussed. Also, Allan Whatts is invited to the course through his voice on "Who we are?". On the other hand, light will be shed on Carl Rogers' critical work "On becoming a human". The course navigates into two layers; the first is the process of disconnecting with what your Fake image is and at the same time connecting with the authentic pieces of you. The second layer is finding an answer for the question: Are you a humanistic Educator?
The course doesn't aim at flooding the participant with information rather than re-discovering your innate compass of being a human taking into consideration the challenges of living in the 3rd world, where being human comes at the bottom of the list.
The course is not only for those who are working at schools or in the field of education, it is rather for everyone who is interested in giving re-birth for themselves and consciously deciding later that their path towards self- actualization would be through empowering oneself and others through education.
The main objectives of the course are as follows:
1- Identifying the valuable readings of Krishnamaurti, Allan Whatts on significance of life, human and education.
2- Presenting the humanistic approach in psychology as developed by the psychologist Carl Rogers.
3- Connecting the humanistic approach with educational practices.
4- Identifying the teaching- learning practices that facilitate/ hinders effective and mindful education.
"On Becoming a Human: On Becoming a Humanistic Educator" is a course that addresses the above mentioned questions. The course follows inquiry based approach in order to avoid providing participants with ready- tailored answers. Each participant is responsible to start a journey of unlearning, relearning and knowing who s/he is. In order to reach that, participants will be asked dig deeply for their own definition of truth via asking as many questions as they can. The course is an eye- opening to consciousness of why we nowadays suffer, feel isolated, or not happy nor achieved enough. It is like looking in the mirror and finding all the black holes in your sphere that might hinder you from being who you truly are.
While each participant will be responsible for his/ her inner journey, Krishanmaurti Readings and reflections on being human and significance of life will be shared and discussed. Also, Allan Whatts is invited to the course through his voice on "Who we are?". On the other hand, light will be shed on Carl Rogers' critical work "On becoming a human". The course navigates into two layers; the first is the process of disconnecting with what your Fake image is and at the same time connecting with the authentic pieces of you. The second layer is finding an answer for the question: Are you a humanistic Educator?
The course doesn't aim at flooding the participant with information rather than re-discovering your innate compass of being a human taking into consideration the challenges of living in the 3rd world, where being human comes at the bottom of the list.
The course is not only for those who are working at schools or in the field of education, it is rather for everyone who is interested in giving re-birth for themselves and consciously deciding later that their path towards self- actualization would be through empowering oneself and others through education.
The main objectives of the course are as follows:
1- Identifying the valuable readings of Krishnamaurti, Allan Whatts on significance of life, human and education.
2- Presenting the humanistic approach in psychology as developed by the psychologist Carl Rogers.
3- Connecting the humanistic approach with educational practices.
4- Identifying the teaching- learning practices that facilitate/ hinders effective and mindful education.
نحن نولد و يتم تصنيفنا أننا بشر، لكن هل نحمل سمات الإنسانية؟ هل للغنسانية سمات تميزنا عما يحيط بنا من كائنات حية. هل نحن الكائنات الأعلي في تراتبية سلم الكائنات، هل تفوقنا المزعوم
هذا يرجع إلى امتلاكنا المعرفة الحقة بحقيقة جوهرنا الإنساني؟
يسعي مساق "أن تصبح إنساناً: أن تصبح مربياً إنسانياً" إلي تسليط الضوء في البدء عن الذات الإنسانيةن كيف يمكنك اكتشاف ذاتك كإنسان، كيف يمكنك التعرّف علي كل ثقوب روحك السوداء، كيف يمكنك أن تمنح نفسك إعادة الولادة تارة أخرى وأنت تحمل وعياً لما تريده حقاً. يطرح المساق عدداّ من التساؤلات عن ذاتنا الحقيقية، عن ذواتنا المزيفة أو ما نظن انها كذلك. يعيد المساق التأمل في كل ما لا تمنحه لنا الحياة من وقت او جهد لنفهم لمذا نعاني اليوم،و لما نشعر أننا بالرغم من كل شيء محيط بنا و يبدو أنه يجعلنا أقرب، إلا أننا في واقع الأمر نشعر بعزلة شديد، نشعر باغتراب يلازمنا باختلاف الأعمار و الأجناس.
ينتقل المساق إلى طرح فكرة "جوهر الإنسان" من خلال تناول بعض كتابات كريشنامورتي و آلان واتس، كما يقترب من طرح نظرية كارل روجرز في علم النفس و بخاصة فيما يتعلق ب"كيف تصبح إنساناً؟"
ينتقل المساق في نقطة التحليق حيث يربط رحلة الكشف عن ذواتنا الحقيقية بسؤال في غاية البساطة، هل يمكننا أن نصبح مربيين إنسانيين؟ من هو المربي وكيف يمكن إيجاد بوصلتك الإنسانية في واقع التعليم شديد التحدي مثل معظم الحال في دول العالم الثالث.
لا يتركك المساق تغرق في رمال متحركة من اليأس حول لاجدوى التغيير بقدر ما يأخذ بيدك لأول طريق النجاة كما يفترض ألا وهو ان اكتشاف ذواتنا،و إتاحة المساحة الامنة لن نطرح أنفسنا كما
نحن هو السبيل لأن نبحر في عوالم من الدهشة و التواصل و التحقق لم نحلم بها من قبل.
يستهف المساق كل من يرغب في إعادة كشف ذاته أو تحققها، كما يستهدف علي وجه الخصوص من يعمل بمجال التربية/ التعليم أو الراغبين في العمل في ذلك النطاق ولم يتيقنوا بعد.
يهدف المساق إلى تحقيق الأهداف التالية:
التعرف علي بعض قراءات كريشنامورتي و آلان واتس فيما يتعلق بالحياة- الإنسان- التعليم.
التعرّف علي المدخل الإنساني كما قدمه كارل روجرز في علم النفس.
التعرّف علي المدخل الإنساني في التربية.
تحليل بعض الممارسات المعطله/ الميسرة لتحقيق المدخل الإنساني في التعليم.
Riham AZIZ is a Master holder in Curricula Development. Her Master degree was the first in Egypt to address Arts in education especially in teaching English as a Foreign Language. While developing her Ph.D. thesis on integrating technology in education, humanistic education and critical thinking, she works as the Head of Professional Development at Educate Me. Riham in a very young age challenged her career path by working in educational reputable projects inside Egypt and outside (U.A. E- Qatar). As a Taurus woman from Upper Egypt, Riham is well known of her stubborn nature in achieving her goals. She is the first in her family to choose to travel by herself and to live four years as totally independent woman, with her sarcastic nature challenges herself in creative writing and she already published many articles in the Egyptian websites and newspapers. When asked what she wants to be in the future? She spontaneously answered: "I want to be a tree because I believe that now I have strong roots connecting me of who I am. I would call this "Mazzika" as I believe that everyone has his/ her own rhythm of gluing all their pieces in a way that makes them not only walk in life but DANCE!"
ريهام عزيز تحمل ماجستير في تطوير المناهج. وكانت درجة الماجستير الحاصلة عليها هي اﻷولى من نوعها في مصر في اﻵداب وخصوصًا في تدريس اللغة اﻹنجليزية باعتبارها لغة أجنبية. بينما كانت تطور أطروحتها لنيل درجة الدكتوراة حول دمج التكنولوجيا في التعليم اﻹنساني والتفكير النقدي، عملت كرئيسة لقسم التطوير المهني في مؤسسة "علمني". تحدت ريهام في فترة مبكرة من حياتها مسارها العملي بالعمل في مشروعات تعليمية تحظى بالتقدير داخل مصر وخارجها (في اﻹمارات المتحدة وقطر).